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Installments with pagsmile

Immensely popular in Latin America. Interest-free for the buyer and are collected month-by-month or anticipated by the merchant.

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First choice in LatAm

Known as parcelas in Brazil, cuotas in Argentina, meses sin interés in Mexico, this is the most popular payment method in the region.

In Brazil, they accounted for 80% of USD14.4 billion ecommerce payments.

The merchant can anticipate the payment of the full amount but this generates a fee which is charged by the acquirer, depending on amount and volume.

80 M Brazilians
gain purchasing power
60 % of Mexicans
prefer buying with installments
77 % of Argentine
households are paying installments

How it works

Consumer makes a purchase
A fixed amount will be discounted every month
Merchant can choose to anticipate the amount by paying a fee

Why your company will benefit

A practical example:

the average laptop computer in Brazil costs around USD 580

that is almost 3x the minimum wage salary (~USD 200/month)

40% of the working population earns less than the minimum wage

Yet over 77% of Brazilian households own a laptop computer

How is that possible? You guessed it, installments.